Applied Functional Safety Training:
Safety Instrumented Burner Management Systems
In the process industry fired devices are one of the most common unit operations. Typical examples include boilers, fired heaters, reformers, clause units, vaporizers, calciners, furnaces, hot oil heaters, reboilers, glycol heater treaters, bath heaters, etc. and many more.
These unit operations have common hazards associated with potential uncontrolled combustion events (e.g., explosions) that have been well documented in industry. So much so, that in many areas globally, prescriptive standards have been developed to improve the safety performance of these fired equipment unit operations.
However, the aeShield team’s experience shows that often when one attempts to overlay performance-based IEC 61511 requirements on top of the existing local prescriptive regulatory requirements, things often go awry. These include:
Excessively high Safety Integrity Level (SIL) targets that drive possible need for changing standard Burner Management System designs
Excessively low SIL targets that potentially raise the question as to why we have Burner Management System at all
Incorrect Safety Instrumented Function definitions that drive possible need for changing standard Burner Management System designs
This can be further complicated if the Burner Management System (BMS) is being procured as part of an OEM vendor package on a capital project. With vendor details arriving later in the project execution, these late changes to the OEM design can have significant budget / schedule impacts.
This course will provide students with a fundamental understanding on BMS hazards and safeguards. It will also highlight how to cost effectively and efficiently apply the performance-based concepts contained in IEC 61511 to a fired device in either a brownfield or greenfield application.
Topics Covered:
Process Hazards Analysis / Layer of Protection Analysis
Safety Requirements Specification
Safety Integrity Level Verification Calculations
Cause & Effect Diagrams
Proof Test Plans
Operations and Maintenance insight in BMS safety performance
Leading Indicators
Bypass Research
MoC Research
Demand Research
Test Interval Extension / Deferral
IEC 61511 if applied appropriately to a fired device, should result in increased awareness of potential hazards and direct meaningful insight into the safety performance of that unit operation over the life of its operation. It should not be causing one to completely re-design one of the most common unit operations in the process industries.
Instructor – Mike Scott – PE, CFSE
Mike Scott is the CEO of aeShield, a software company that specializes in the digitalization of process / functional safety lifecycle solutions. He has over 32 years of experience associated with fired devices including risk analysis, safety instrumented systems and control systems engineering, where he performed / implemented conceptual design, detailed design, configuration, and startup / commissioning exercises for the process industry.
Licensed Professional Engineer
Certified Functional Safety Expert (CFSE)
Voting member of ISA S84 committee
Co-Chairman of the ISA S84 Working Group on Burner Management Systems
IEC 61511 committee member
Granted 7 patents on safety lifecycle tools and implementation
ISA Fellow
$1400 – 2 full days of training, payable online
14 CEU Credits
When & Where?
Date: October 25th and 26th, 2022
Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Location: Microsoft Teams
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